Sunday, March 11, 2012

Currently and Awards

A little late in uploading this, but on with my 'Currently' for March.  Thanks Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for doing these fun linking parties each month!

I also wanted to thank Ms.T at Second Grade Math Maniac and Simone at Busy as a Honey Bee for nominating me for the 'Lovely Blog Award' and also to Simone for the 'Top 10 Award'.  I am so honored anytime anyone wants to take the time to recognize me for an award.  I appreciate the love and I'm grateful to be so welcomed into the "blogging world" by so many of you.  Thank you!

I wanted to recognize a couple blogs that I have been enjoying reading lately with the "Lovely Blog Award" (which may have already been recognized because they're so wonderful).  Check them out! :)
          Monica @ The Schroeder Page
          Lauren @ The Weekly Hive

Have a wonderful week yall!  Hope you're enjoying a spring break soon in your future.  So happy to not have a 'bedtime' tonight and get to sleep in tomorrow! Hallelujah!



  1. You are such a sweetheart!!! I will be a blogging lady tonight to send my thank you's out and nominations.

  2. I found your lovely blog through the currently linky party and am your newest follower.

