Sunday, February 26, 2012

Award and Freebie

Hey all!
It feels like forever since I have blogged or even been able to enjoy "blogland".  I enjoyed my vacation with my husband but then returned to get the case of the flu... not fun!  It has been a long time since I have had a fever and boy did it take it out of me.  On the plus side.... the Bahamas was oh so nice and I love having a tan in February ;)
Anyway, I was so excited to find that Ms. T at Second Grade Math Maniac nominated me for the Liebster Award.  I am so honored and grateful! 

Upon reading about this award, I found it is given to blogs with 200 followers or less to who someone believes deserves some love and recognition. So thank you Ms. T!  And in the spirit of love, I'd like to nominate:
         Sarah @ A KinderGarden in Bloom
         Kirsten @ Third Grade Treasures
Both of these ladies have great ideas and are just starting out their blogs... so check them out and show them some love! :)

Now onto the freebie....
My sixth grade group is working with algebra properties, so I created this matching game for them to add a little excitement to this sometimes boring topic. Download it by clicking the image below.

Have a wonderful week all!

1 comment:

  1. Is there any chance you can give me a key to this? I have a VERY advanced 4th grade math student, and I think this would be perfect for him, but I'm not confident in my ability to show him those skills yet.
    Sorry to bother you, when you gave such a nice freebie!
    My email is
